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Coq au Vin


 "Coq au Vin". 

The recipe calls for a 1.5 kg rooster, red wine, onions, garlic, bouquet garni, flour, oil, and butter. 

It's a classic French chicken casserole with bacon, shallots, mushrooms, and red wine sauce. 

The recipe is lighter than the traditional version, but still has a rich, deep flavor. 

It serves 6 people and takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes to prepare. Here are the ingredients you'll need:

- 1½ tbsp olive oil
- 3 rashers (100g) dry-cured, smoked back bacon, fat trimmed, chopped
- 12 small shallots, peeled
- 2 free-range chicken legs (460g), skin removed
- 4 free-range chicken thighs with bone and skin (650g), skin removed
- 2 free-range, skinless, boneless chicken breasts (280g)
- 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
- 3 tbsp brandy or Cognac
- 600ml red wine
- 150ml good-quality chicken stock
- 2 tsp tomato purée
- 3 thyme sprigs, 2 rosemary sprigs, and 2 bay leaves, to make a bouquet garni
- small handful chopped flat-leaf parsley, to garnish
- 1½ tbsp olive oil
- 250g chestnut mushrooms, halved if large
- 2 tbsp plain flour
- 1½ tsp olive oil
- 1 tsp softened butter

You can find the detailed instructions on the [BBC Good Food website](https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/coq-au-vin). Bon appétit! 🍴

Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/14/2023



Resep Coq au Vin 

- 1½ sdm minyak zaitun
- 3 iris (100g) daging asap, lemak dipotong, cincang
- 12 bawang merah kecil, kupas
- 2 kaki ayam (460g), kulit dihilangkan
- 4 paha ayam dengan tulang dan kulit (650g), kulit dihilangkan
- 2 dada ayam tanpa kulit dan tulang (280g)
- 3 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
- 3 sdm brendi atau Cognac
- 600ml anggur merah
- 150ml kaldu ayam berkualitas baik
- 2 sdt pasta tomat
- 3 tangkai timi, 2 tangkai rosemary, dan 2 lembar daun salam, untuk membuat bouquet garni
- segenggam kecil daun parsley cincang, untuk hiasan
- 1½ sdm minyak zaitun
- 250g jamur kastanye, dibelah jika besar
- 2 sdm tepung terigu serbaguna
- 1½ sdt minyak zaitun
- 1 sdt mentega yang dilembutkan

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